Monday, February 13, 2006

Just write it down

So how does one become an unexpected shiksa? Well if you had asked me four years ago what a shiksa was I would have told you it was an adjective to describe a female that I'd heard in movies but that I wasn't so sure what it meant. Now I can tell you its a Yiddish term to describe a girl not of Jewish decent. I am a Shiksa.
Why does being a shiksa important? Well its a title I'd never really expected. Not to mention, my husband likely didn't expect me. A simple Southern girl a nice little Methodist girl even, but somewhere along the way I fell in love with a Jewish guy, what's more I fell in love with a Jew for Jesus.
Just over a month ago I married my love, moved to California (no one here eats grits!), and began the adventure of a lifetime. Now why I'm choosing to enter the blog world I don't really know, but I've got a feeling that there will be stories to tell, and maybe just maybe someone will be interested enough to read a few.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unexpected shiksa GODDESS! ;-)