Thursday, March 23, 2006

In the wee small hours...

I'm having that Carly Simon song run through my head, about "in the wee small hours of the morning...that's the time I miss you most of all." though to be perfectly honest, what I'm missing isn’t a person...though there are many friends in the Southeastern portion of the US I am missing dearly, what I'm missing at the moment is sleep. The good news is, the second round of antibiotics seem to be forcing progress onto my feeble body…we'll know for sure when we go back and check in with the doc tomorrow, but it looks like it'll be good news. The bad news is, the first listed side effect for this antibiotic is trouble sleeping. Well...sign me up I'm the poster child! Sleep isn't something you every really think much about till you aren't getting enough of it or until you can't seem to fall asleep, then it becomes this confounding mystery of how to get to sleep. There are a million folk remedies...warm milk ( not so great for the lactose intolerant!), herbal tea ( yummy but ineffective), calming scents like lavender or vanilla. But, alas they are to no avail. My husband is sleeping ( well deserved he's been nothing short of saintly in taking care of me over the last two weeks, and he's lost a lot of sleep in the process) quietly and here I am in front of a computer writing the those who read about my lack of sleep. I'm sure by morning I'll be sound asleep when the alarm goes off making it difficult to start the day on time. Thankfully, there are no pressing engagements first thing in the morning so I've got a bit of a reprieve. I've noticed something though, in this time of being sick...the comfort of silence...knowing there is someone else in the room who you can sit with all day and say nothing...yet know everything has been said that needed to and the day was a complete success. Friends and loved ones who invite us in and welcome us to that time of silence when nothing is heard and everything is said. I hope as you read this there is someone you can sit in silence with, and if its been a while...why not give them a call, I'm sure they are missing you silence and to sleep...and all the other blessings yet to come.

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